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120 S. Central Avenue
Suite 1000,
St. Louis, MO 63105

Phone 1 (314) 392-5257
Fax 1 (314) 584-2058

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We Guide Leaders Through Moments of Change

There are a few objective qualities we are looking for in potential investments. After considering how our philosophy fits with your organization, please send an email at the link below to start a conversation.

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Guide Leaders

If you are interested in joining in our portfolio philosophy as an investing partner, please send an email at the link below to start a conversation with Lewis & Clark Capital leadership.

Guiding Lifelong Leaders

Starting a business is a challenge. Running a business is a challenge. Growing a business is a challenge. Each new phase of a business is an inflection point. A moment of significant change that requires vision, deliberation, and execution.

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Are you looking for a specific member of the Lewis & Clark Capital team? Please visit our team page for contact information and team biographies.

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